Tuesday 1 July 2008

Happy Birthday!

On the 29th June 2008 2.30pm at KLGCC bowling alley, Sura, Ina, Tape and Me invited some friends to celebrate our joint birthdays in May and June. We had bowling and food. Teams for formed via balloting. There were prizes for best team, best bowler and LQ- Longkang Queen.

The best bowling team comprised of Tape, Ina and Me, but because we were the hosts, we disqualified ourselves and therefore the first place went to Team BOOBee; Rock, Etty and Bee. Best bowler was Tape, and again because she was one of the hosts, the prize went to Bee. Longkang Queen was Zuri. She managed to dethrone Zura...

With Shima. I haven't met her since her Asasi Sains years! She is on a two-week break from her PhD studies in Ireland.

Donie, Datin Norzie, Tape, Me and Ina. Just before Norzie had to leave...busy lady always having curfews. Thanks for the Telekung. Donie and Lila, Thanks for the Japanese Cookbook. Still figuring out how you knew I didn't have that particular book.

The cake I made for the birthday party. The '4' is chocolate and the '0' is butter.

The group who made it. Some had to leave early. Thank you to all of you who came. Thank you Sura, you are THE HOSTESS TO THE MOSTEST!

1 comment:

Haya Ismail said...

hi Saf,
Hepi belated besde. 40 aleady ha? tee hee...... wait for my time ekk..4 yrs from now.