We are unique and we are individualistic.
I don't understand the need for a Bangsa Malaysia.
I am a Malay but I never thought my race is better than another.
I am a Muslim but I respect others' right for religion or otherwise.
I don't eat durian but I don't scoff at those who do.
Do we need to be a uni race to be unified?
God made Man and Woman.
Doesn't mean one is better than the other.
We are just different.
Do we need to be unisex to make this world a better place?
There are reasons (whatever they may be) of why we have;
different skin colours
different hair types
different facial characteristics
a hawk nose or a jemput-jemput one.
It makes life a more interesting experience.
Rather than a monochrome, single colour,
single race, single whatever...
We should celebrate our uniqueness
We have to commemorate our differences
We must bask in our harmonious diversity!
I am proud to be Malaysian!
Yesza!!!! Sokong seratus peratus!!!
Sibuk buat kek ajer...bila nak update blog?
alamak kun, kita sibuk benda lainlah...nanti sat kita senang sikit esok kita carik bahan.
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