Anyway, the menu was as follows; Cream of asparagus with croutons, Fish ( I forget what, but I think it was Bass) on a bed of oven baked pepper with some sauce (again I forget) and walnut parfait with banana chocolate roll with chocolate sauce followed by coffee or tea.

Above is the dessert. Totally forgot about taking photo of the courses before. Was too hungry. I had an extra bowl of soup, courtesy of Hawk who couldn't make it. Frankly, the food was ok, only that it was standing too long and what is supposed to be hot or at least warm was cold and the dessert was already room temperature. Anyway, still managed to eat everything and served myself some tea after that.
I sat with Awatif, Gie, Ina, Lila (Happy Anniversary!), Donie, Hawk (absent), Amalina, Fiddie and Sura at table 61, one table behind the Royal table.

Madame Awatif sat besides me and I managed to capture her beauty (and the size of that bracelet) on my camera. :-)

Ni dia Madame Fiddie and Madame Didie. Both looking resplendent. Yes, Fiddie I still remember I owe you a cake! ;-)

And, unfortunately, after that my camera went kaput. Couldn't capture proof of Sarah, Filzah, Mok, and Julit's lepas gian!
It was a good night and hope to go again for next years dinner!
(1) It was cod fish. We had Ikan kod for the main course.
(2) Abaya ke, tak abaya ke... tak sangka you boleh menari Saf, hehe. I had a blasting time with you all.
(3)Zura was da bomb! Am very proud of her. Next year, kita jadi back up singer dia nak?
Thanks for the pic. Aku punya gambar tak menjadik sangat tahun ni. Nak kena beli kamera baru gamaknya.
My first visit to your blog as Lifebloom (mula2x tu malu - nak jadi Anon - konon)...
Truth be told - I almost p**d in my pants immediately before I walked on that red carpet towards the stage....But ALL of my 85 sisters gave me the strength and courage to give my best. Alhamdullilah - yang penting kita semua enjoy and could let our hair down!
As "Diva-licious" - (cehhh! Perasan) as I may look that nite - I am due for many2x trips to the gym!
Thanks Saf for capturing me and Julit...I am so hopeless at taking pictures nowadays - thank goodness there are gems like you and Watape who will take the trouble...
Ok, sorry codfish. I prefer the salmon anytime. Cod kalau sejuk memanglah tak best sangat. Salmon any temp is fine with me.
Menari tu biasalah, bakat terpendam. Sayang tak bawa laki! Tu tak tengok lagi kita menari ngan laki kita ;-)
Set next year kita jadi back up singer...tumpang glamer Diva-licious.
Anyway, you pakai kamera phone, memanglah toye. Lagilak kalau bilik gelap macam ball room tu. Kamera P&S I pun toye gak. Kalau ada flash teroverexpose, tak de flash tak nampak terang. isk...kena save up for Nikon D40x ke D80. Have to be a very3x 'good' girl kalau nak suruh orang rumah belikan :-)
Ms LB, whatever it is you are DA BOMB! Remember that everytime you perform.
Don't be a stranger ya! and come and join us at Kiara (kalau Kiara Club tu tak terkubur lagilah!)
what a dinner eh? MissLB well u da bomb! Next year - sekali lagi ya. By the way what happens at Sheraton stays in the Sheraton - ha!x9
Wahhhh...ader blog rupanya Cik Anon kita ni.
great to know u all had a blasting time that nite. next year InsyaAllah kena gi. kalau tak, miss dancing session. Wah, Zura hang meletop malam tu ye. Too bad I dah retire sebab kena severe stage fright last yr, kalau tak, nak jugak tumpang limelight u..hehehe.
tigerkun, selalu nampak u menyelit kat blog . ni mesti suka blog-hopping ni (whatever it means la)
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